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Risk Management

Based on its experience, QUICKSOURCE® identifies the most common risks from cooperation on similar projects:

Original faulty identification of professional, managerial or personal requirements on the candidate, which result in incorrect focus of search and, consequently, in addressing the unsuitable candidates:

  • Detailed and clarified brief on the side of the client, correctly communicated in writing and mutually approved together with the Key Account Manager, for example in the following format:

Specification of the required Job (job profile):

  • Job title  
  • Job description     
  • Key competencies and responsibilities    
  • Reporting        
  • Required starting date         
  • Type of employment
  • Expected initial monthly salary/fee
  • Provided financial and non-financial benefits    


  • Academic background
  • Professional background
  • Language skills      
  • Other knowledge and skills
  • Personality dispositions    

Different requirements on the candidates imposed by the project contracting party on the side of the client (for example, HR and direct superior) and by other evaluators of the candidate (for example, another superior) resulting in approaching unsuitable candidates and in rejecting recommended candidates in various rounds of the selection procedure for various reasons:

  • Detailed and unified brief on all levels on the side of the client.

Slower interviewing process on the side of the client (for the reason of vacations, being busy with other tasks, changes in priorities etc.) and the consequent possible loss of relevant candidates (especially of those who had been approached actively and are scarce in the market):

  • Clear setting and consistent adherence to the recruitment process (time schedule, procedure, tasks, number of rounds, AC, BC), setting of stand-ins, in the case of impossibility to stick to the process, open communication with the Key Account Manager in order to agree on consistent communication towards the candidates.

Change of requirements on the candidate by XXX during the search process resulting in approaching of unsuitable candidates and in the prolongation of the recruitment process due to the “repeated beginnings”:

  • Briefing of the positions (projects) to be searched for only after the unequivocal approval of the brief by all involved parties and levels of XXX responsible employees. Or, as the case may be, keeping QUICKSOURCE® informed about the not quite clarified brief and the necessity of a broader scope of candidates. 

Disagreement between the candidates’ expectations (especially in terms of salaries and benefits) and the offer of XXX:

  • Timely identification of the issue by QUICKSOURCE ®, provision of feedback, re-evaluation of the job, requirements, change in the setting of the ratio between “MUST” and “NICE TO HAVE”, reaction to the market situation.

Lack of candidates in the market with very specific requirements who would be interested in working for XXX in the time and under the conditions given:

  • Timely identification of the issue by QUICKSOURCE®, provision of feedback, re-evaluation of the job, requirements, change in the setting of the ratio between “MUST” and “NICE TO HAVE”, extension of the sources of search (field or regional).

Slower process of search on the side of QUICKSOURCE® (due to vacations, sicknesses etc.) and consecutive impossibility to provide the expected number of candidates by priorities:

  • Clear setting and consistent adherence to the recruitment process, ensuring the full replaceability in operative agenda (CRM), setting of stand-ins, in the case of impossibility to stick to the process, open communication of the QUICKSOURCE® Quality Manager with the responsible employees of XXX.

Dissatisfaction of XXX with the work of the Key Account Manager and/or another team member or of a subcontractor:

  • Open communication with the QUICKSOURCE® Quality Manager, solution by requirements, correction or replacement of the team member/subcontractor (QUICKSOURCE® ensures full substitution throughout the project).

Insufficient or insufficiently fast adaptation of the accepted candidate to the conditions of XXX:

  • Adjustment of the On-boarding process.

Selection of IT projects

Selection of available IT specialists