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Supplier code of conduct & sustainability policy


This Supplier Code of Conduct & Sustainability Policy (hereinafter referred to as “the Code) sets out the minimum requirements for our Suppliers to operate in accordance with responsible business principles and in full compliance with all applicable local and international laws and regulations.

The Code applies to all our direct Suppliers – including Contractors, Agents and Consultants. This includes Suppliers’ board members, employees of all level and others who act on behalf of or represent the Supplier.

Our Suppliers are expected to meet the requirements detailed in the Code throughout their business relationships with us.


Suppliers are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations of their country of origin, with applicable laws and regulations of countries where they operate, as well as with all applicable international treaties, relevant conventions, and guidelines set by international organizations.

Where differences exist between applicable laws, regulations and the Code, the Suppliers shall follow the strictest requirements.

Working conditions

Forced or Involuntary Labor

We expect our Suppliers to prohibit forced or compulsory labor in all its forms and types, incl. forced labor, involuntary labor, labor of unqualified persons or involuntary labor of prisoners).

Child Labor and Young Workers

Our Suppliers shall not engage in child labor or any work that deprives a child of its childhood, potential, dignity or that is harmful to its physical or mental health or development. The expression “child” applies to any employed person of under 15 years of age (or, respectively, 14 in countries, where permitted by law), any person who has yet not achieved the age requested for the completion of compulsory education, or any person who has yet not reached the age as required by law in the respective country, whichever of the options is the highest.

Employment Conditions, Wages and Benefits

Our Suppliers shall provide their workforce with remuneration that meets any national legal standard on minimum wage. They are required to ensure the payment of wages in legal tender, at regular intervals and directly to the workers concerned. Our Suppliers should keep an appropriate record of such payments. Deductions from wages are permitted only under conditions and to the extent prescribed by the applicable law, regulations or collective agreement, and Suppliers should inform the workers concerned of such deductions at the time of each payment.

Suppliers must ensure that all employees are provided with written agreements of employment setting out employment conditions in a language understandable to the individual concerned.

Working Hours

Our Suppliers are required to comply with all relevant laws and regulations concerning working hours, including overtime labor and they shall ensure that working hours are not excessive.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Our Suppliers are required to respect statutory rights of employees to defend their interest, to assemble, to bargain collectively or not to engage in employee organizations including the union organizations. They shall create favorable employee conditions and maintain effective programs of communication with employees as a tool to develop positive relationship with employees.


Our Suppliers shall treat employees with dignity and respect and provide a work environment that is free from harassment and abuse. Suppliers shall not engage in employment practices that discriminate based on traits unrelated to the performance of an employee’s job. Employees shall not be subjected to medical tests or physical exams that could be used in a discriminatory way.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Our Suppliers shall create workplaces that reflect diverse communities, and where everyone feels seen, heard, valued, and empowered to succeed – regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, family responsibility, sexual orientation, social origin, age or experience. They should promote diversity, equality and inclusion as core values within their companies.

Workplace Environment

Our Suppliers shall provide their employees with a safe and healthy working environment that considers workers’ general health and wellbeing. This means that Suppliers’ employees shall be protected from an environment that could have a negative impact on their physical and/or mental health. The Supplier shall regularly monitor the workplace environment (incl. ergonomics, lighting, temperature, ventilation, sanitation, etc.) and take any remedial actions necessary. Offices and industrial facilities must be maintained in accordance with the standards set by applicable laws and regulations.

Emergency Preparedness

Our Suppliers are required to identify, assess and be prepared for emergency situations. This includes worker notification and evacuation procedures, emergency training and drills, appropriate first aid supplies, appropriate fire detection and suppression equipment, and adequate exit facilities. Suppliers shall regularly train employees on emergency planning, responsiveness as well as medical care.

Human Rights

Our Suppliers shall support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and to ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuse.

Our Suppliers are required not to discriminate applicants when hiring and employing employees due to their race, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnic background, sexual orientation, sex, sexual identity, marital status, pregnancy, political opinions or disabilities. All employees should be treated equally and with respect.

Our Suppliers shall not use corporal punishment, threaten employees with violence or other forms of physical violence or harassment. They are required to respect personal dignity, privacy and personality rights of each individual.

Business ethics


Our Suppliers shall not have business or dealings with a sanctioned country, group, organization or individual.

Corruption, extortion and bribery

Our Suppliers are required to comply with all anti-corruption laws that prohibit bribes, kickbacks, or other corrupt actions to obtain or retain business or obtain any improper advantage.

Suppliers shall not directly or indirectly solicit, receive or offer any form of a bribe, kickback, or other corrupt payment, to or from any person or organization.

Suppliers shall not, directly or indirectly, offer gifts to our employees, representatives, or anybody acting on our behalf or anyone closely related to these, unless the gift is modest, and the time and place is appropriate. Hospitality, such as social events, meals or entertainments may be offered if there is a business purpose involved, and the cost is kept within reasonable limits. The gifts or entertainment must not be given in exchange for any consideration and must not create the appearance (or an actual or implied obligation) that the gift giver is entitled to preferential treatment, an award of business, better prices or improved terms of sale. During a contract negotiation, bidding or awarding period, all hospitality, gifts or expense coverage must be avoided, irrespective of value.

The Supplier shall refrain from any form of corruption or even actions that could potentially be construed as such. The Supplier may not offer, promise or grant illegal benefits to national or international public officials or decision-makers in order to achieve a preferential treatment or favorable decision.

Accuracy of records

Suppliers are committed to transparency, verifiability and accuracy in their dealings, while respecting their confidentiality obligations. All accounting information must be correct, registered, and recorded in accordance with applicable local and international laws and regulations.

Sponsorship & Political Contributions

All sponsoring measures by Suppliers must be in accordance with applicable current legislation. Suppliers shall not donate money or grant any monetary benefits to any political party unless permitted by law.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

Our Suppliers must maintain the confidentiality of confidential information entrusted to them, except when disclosure is authorized by an appropriate QuickSource® representative or required by law. Confidential information includes all non-public information that might be of use to competitors or other third parties or harmful to QuickSource® if disclosed; it also includes information that third parties have entrusted to us. The obligation to preserve confidential information continues even after a Supplier’s business relationship with us ends.

Suppliers shall not misuse any information about QuickSource® of a confidential nature, as may be further specified in the contract between QuickSource® and the Supplier.

Intellectual Property

Our Suppliers are required to respect intellectual property rights and shall not knowingly infringe the intellectual property rights of us or any third party. They are obliged to manage technology and know-how in a manner that protects intellectual property rights.

Fair competition and anti-trust

Our Suppliers are obliged to respect the rules of free and fair competition in all business relation, in particular not to act against any competition and/or antitrust law. They shall apply the highest commercial ethical standards and compete within the framework of competition rules. No Supplier shall be part of any illegal price cooperation, illegal market sharing or other practice in violation of applicable competition laws.

Conflicts of Interest

Our Suppliers shall avoid all conflicts of interest while co-operating with us and to operate with full transparency with respect to any circumstances where a conflict exists or may arise.

Suppliers shall avoid situations where their personal and / or commercial interest, or the interest of their officers or employees may conflict with QuickSource’s interests.

Additionally, Suppliers shall communicate to us if any QuickSource® employee has any interest of any kind in their business and report any other situation that may be seen as an actual or potential conflict of interest.

Whistleblowing and Protection Against Retaliation

Our Suppliers shall have clear policies and procedures in place so that workers may report concerns about wrongdoing in their workplace without being victimized or dismissed. Suppliers are expected to report any breach of the standards of the Code. We also expect our Suppliers report unethical practices from our employees where observed.

We expect our Suppliers to raise any concerns about our business conduct, or a potential breach of the Code. Concerns can be shared via regular QuickSource® contact or through our whistleblowing channel whistleblower@quicksource.cz. All information received will be fully and objectively investigated in a timely and appropriate fashion, regardless of whether or not it has been received anonymously. All documentation will be kept confidential. We do not tolerate retaliation of any kind against any person who makes a report in good faith.

Intoxicating Substances

While at work for QuickSource® our Suppliers are not permitted to be under the influence of intoxicating substances, including alcohol and drugs. Limited amounts of alcohol may be served when local custom and occasion makes this appropriate, provided that the consumption is not combined with operating machinery, driving or any other activity that is incompatible with the use of alcohol.

Responsible Sourcing of Raw Minerals

Our Supplier shall implement and enforce a policy to assure that the minerals in the products they manufacture do not directly or indirectly finance or benefit perpetrators of serious human rights abuse.

Counterfeit Products & Parts

Our Suppliers should refrain from purchasing material and equipment from unauthorized manufacturers and suppliers. All their purchases should be traceable: they should retain purchase orders, delivery lists, certificates of conformity and other documentation for the required retention period. They should maintain and regularly update their approved suppliers list and suppliers’ certifications. Suppliers’ employees involved in the purchasing of goods should participate in regular training about the potential for counterfeit, fraudulent and suspect items, and be advised that all goods must be purchased directly from the manufacturers or through approved official suppliers and resellers.

Use of Private or Public Security Forces

Our Suppliers should declare and demonstrate that ensuring security is vital for sustainable development. When required, they are expected to collaborate with public security forces to help maintain stability and safety. Their collaborations will be guided by the principles of transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights. They should not engage in or support of any activities that involve human rights abuses, discrimination, or violations of international law. Our Suppliers are expected to refrain from private military activities or from using private security forces.


We require our Suppliers to operate and develop the business with respect for the environment. Suppliers are expected to operate the business in an environmentally-friendly, proactive way. The Supplier shall have procedures in place for identifying, monitoring and evaluating environmental impacts to enable continuous environmental performance improvements to be made.

Suppliers should comply with all relevant local and national environmental laws as well as international standards, obtain and maintain all the necessary environmental permits, approvals and registrations.

In addition, Suppliers should develop and implement effective environmental management systems that support identifying risks, measuring and monitoring performance, and driving continual improvements to mitigate or minimize environmental impacts emanating from its operations. 

Land, Forest and Water Rights and Biodiversity

Our Suppliers are expected to identify ways to decarbonize through optimizing their operations and business processes, transitioning to low-carbon and renewable energy sources, and exploring new technologies. They should operate their facilities in a manner that reduces consumption of resources and emissions to the environment. They should operate in a manner that reduces the amount of hazardous and non-hazardous waste generated at the source, sending zero waste to landfill, and promoting circularity principles. They are expected to protect water sources and reusing water wherever possible to reduce consumption. We require that our Suppliers contribute to the protection and conservation of natural capital across their operations. They should not contribute to deforestation through their operations or supply chain.

Emissions & Energy Efficiency

Our Suppliers are expected to regularly track and document energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.  Suppliers are also to look for cost effective methods of improving energy efficiency by minimizing their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, considering a life cycle perspective. 

Renewable Energy & Carbon Emissions

Ours Suppliers should minimise their environmental impact and carbon footprint by ensuring that environmental sustainability is integral to all of their activities. They should utilise the solar advantages whenever possible to provide daytime and passive heating needs. They should strive for best practice in energy efficiency and should optimize their use of renewable energy sources, including purchasing green power from accredited sources. They are expected to minimise embodied energy in construction materials and product purchases.

Water Consumption

Our Suppliers are expected to preserve water resources and to monitor and reduce water consumption.

Air Quality

We require our Suppliers to monitor air emissions and establish an air emissions management plan.

Resources & Waste Management

Our Suppliers shall minimize environmental pollution and make continuous improvements to reduce or eliminate solid waste, wastewater and air emissions by implementing appropriate conservation measures in their production, maintenance, and facility processes.

Our Suppliers are expected to set targets for waste reduction and establish a waste management hierarchy in the following order of priority: prevention, reduction, reuse, recovery, recycling and finally waste disposal. They should handle and dispose of all generated waste through safe and responsible methods that protect the environment and the health and safety of employees and local communities.

Responsible Chemical Management

We require our Suppliers to identify and manage chemicals to ensure their safe handling, storage, use, recycling and disposal.

Noise Emissions Reduction

Our Suppliers must adhere to all local, regional, and national regulations regarding noise emissions. Their operations must meet or exceed noise emission standards established by relevant authorities and industry best practices. Suppliers are expected to conduct thorough noise impact assessments to identify potential sources of noise emission from their activities and their potential effects on nearby communities and the environment. They should implement effective noise reduction strategies including investing in modern and quieter equipment and machine, implementing engineering controls to reduce noise at its source, opting for low-noise construction techniques and methods, establishing noise barriers and soundproofing measures where applicable and optimizing transportation routes and schedules to minimize noise impact.


Our Suppliers are required to acknowledge and commit to the adherence of responsible business principles of the Code. We have a right to assess our Suppliers’ compliance with the Code through audits, self-assessments and documentation reviews.

We expect and encourage our Suppliers to develop and implement relevant management systems, appropriate for a company of their size and industry to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the requirements of the Code.

When our Suppliers purchase any material or avail the services of a third-party, they shall ensure that their suppliers are taking care of social and environmental factors and integrating these factors within their procurement operations.


Supplier shall promptly report to QuickSource® notice of known breach of the Code and implement a corrective action plan to cure all non-compliance.

In the incident of severe violations of the Code, we reserve the right to take actions including and up to termination of contracts.

Selection of IT projects

Selection of available IT specialists