DRILL® strives to use energy in the most efficient, cost effective, and environmentally responsible manner possible while monitoring and maintaining equipment for all activities and processes of the Company. Conservation energy consumption from business operation is part of the business that partners, managers and employees at all levels promote, support and consider to be a direct joint responsibility.
The purposes of this policy are:
– to define DRILL ® approach to managing energy,
– to optimize energy use throughout DRILL®,
– to improve cost-effectiveness and productivity,
– to enhance working conditions,
– to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
– to contribute to sustainability and
– otherwise reduce waste associated with energy use.
This Policy applies to all DRILL® employees, and to temporary workers, consultants, contractors, agents, acting for, or on behalf of, DRILL®. Any breach of this Policy is likely to constitute a serious disciplinary, contractual and criminal matter for the individual concerned and may cause serious damage to the reputation and standing of DRILL®. Dedicated management members have additional energy related responsibilities as outlined in respective DRILL® policies and procedures.
Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations
DRILL® strive to comply with laws, customer requirements and regulations related to energy conservation and management effectively as well as provide adequate support for resources and information to achieve objectives, goals, and maintain energy management systems.
All DRILL® employees are required to comply with applicable legal regulations at all times. At the same time, the employees of DRILL® must adhere to internal directives, rules and regulations agreed upon by the DRILL® management.
Responsible Energy Use
DRILL® promotes the efficient use of energy to produce and deliver world class products and services to our customers. We are committed to responsible energy use and will practice energy efficiency in all processes, wherever it is cost effective.
To implement this Policy, we will:
– use only efficient and cost-effectively equipment and technology, resources and energy to suit operational characteristics and accepted international practices by adopting 4Rs strategies: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Replacement, which will lead to sustainable energy development,
– consider energy efficiency as a factor in our service delivery, in process and facility design and in the procurement of goods and services,
– continuously improve energy efficiency by establishing and implementing strategic energy management practices that support our service capabilities while providing a safe and comfortable work environment,
– procure adequate and dependable energy supplies at the most advantageous rate and implement appropriate risk contingency plans to protect operations from supply interruptions,
– communicate, preserve, and promote and raise awareness of stakeholders in contributing to energy conservation, substitute energy development and renewable energy development, reduce pollution, reduce energy loss, and increase energy efficiency throughout the product life cycle in achieving sustainable development goals,
– encourage continuous improvement in energy conservation by employees,
– define and review objectives, strategies, plans and goals for the development of energy management systems in accordance with DRILL® Environment Management System (EMS),
– use energy consumption data to drive performance improvements,
– measure, review and communicate our progress on a regular basis to ensure availability of information to our employees.
Sustainable Energy Policy Governance
Governance and responsibilities development and review of this Policy is the responsibility of DRILL® Operations Manager, who is responsible for
DRILL® EMS and Environmental Sustainability.
DRILL® Operation Manager is responsible for ensuring that adequate resourcing is provided and that the implementation of this policy is delegated to competent persons charged with preparing appropriate procedures and controls and for supervising energy management activities.